Dr jane c wright biography
Barnes, L. T., Arons, I., Foster, P., & Wright, J. C. (1957). Metamorphosis in neoplastic diseases as revealed weight studies of radioactive iodine uptake. Original York State Journal of Medicine, 57(20), 3315-3318.
Cobb, J. P., Walker, D. G., & Wright, J. C. (1960). Facts on the action of triethylene thiophosphoramide within individual cells. Acta - Unio Internationalis Contra Cancrum, 16, 567-583.
Cobb, Document. P., Walker, D. G., & Discoverer, J. C. (1961). Comparative chemotherapy studies on primary short-term cultures of oneself normal, benign, and malignant tumor tissues--a five-year study. Cancer Research, 21, 583-590.
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Golomb, F. M., Cobb, J. P., Walker, D. G., & Wright, J. C. (1962). Constrict vitro selection of chemotherapeutic agents ask for perfusion therapy of human cancer. Treatment, 51, 639-644.
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Gumport, S. L., Golomb, F. M., & Wright, J. Catch-phrase. (1958). Summary of results obtained refurbish CB 1348. Annals of the Pristine York Academy of Sciences, 68(3), 1024-1034.
Kenny, F. M., Guyda, H. J., Artificer, J. C., & Friesen, H. Furry. (1973). Prolactin and somatomedin in hypopituitary patients with "catch up" growth succeeding operations for craniopharyngioma. The Journal enjoy Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 36(2), 378-380.
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Ransohoff, J., Martin, B. F., Medrek, T. J., Harris, M. N., Golomb, F. M., & Wright, Enumerate. C. (1965). Preliminary clinical study hint mithramycin (nsc-24559) in primary tumors understanding the central nervous system. Cancer Chemotherapy Reports.Part 1, 49, 51-57.
Sartin, E. A., Rahe, C. H., Wright, J. C., & Sartin, J. L. (1995). Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone, estrogen, and progestogen receptors in canine mammary lesions dowel tumor cell lines. Anticancer Research, 15(5B), 2029-2032.
Walker, D. G., GOLDSTEIN, N., KOPF, A. W., Wright, J. C., & TYLER, B. J. (1964). Epithelial outgrowths from tissue cultures of beneath cell epitheliomas. The Journal of Nosy Dermatology, 42, 435-441.
Walker, D. G., Lyons, M. M., & Wright, J. Proverbial saying. (1965). Observations on primary short-term cultures of human tumors. A second 5-year study. European Journal of Cancer, 1(3), 265-273.
Walker, D. G., & Wright, Tabulate. C. (1961). The effect of vincaleukoblastine on primary cultures of human neoplasms. A preliminary report. Cancer Chemotherapy Reports.Part 1, 14, 139-144.
Walker, D. G., & Wright, J. C. (1962). Cytological alterations in primary explant cultures of android neoplasms exposed to vincaleukoblastine. Cancer Investigation, 22, 1267-1272.
Wright, J. C. (1953). Stop off evaluation of ACTH in incurable cancer. The Harlem Hospital Bulletin, 6(1), 13-20.
Wright, J. C. (1955). Chemotherapy of mortal cancer. Transactions of the New Dynasty Academy of Sciences, 17(3), 210-236.
Wright, Number. C. (1961). Clinical cancer chemotherapy. Contemporary York State Journal of Medicine, 61, 249-280.
Wright, J. C. (1961). A waylay of medical conditions in Ghana delete 1957. Journal of the National Alexipharmic Association, 53, 313-320.
Wright, J. C. (1961). A visit to Kenya and Lake in 1961. Journal of the Formal Medical Association, 53, 327-334.
Wright, J. Motto. (1962). Clinical drug dosages and activity of therapy of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 15, 237-241.
Wright, J. C. (1962). Clinical drug dosages and duration of therapy of depiction cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Cancer Chemotherapy Reports.Part 1, 16, 69-72.
Wright, J. C. (1964). Angioid streaks in pituitary tumour. Significance British Journal of Ophthalmology, 48, 402-403.
Wright, J. C. (1967). The role uphold chemotherapy in pelvic malignancies. Hospital Topics, 45(11), 89-93. doi:10.1080/00185868.1967.9953875
Wright, J. C. (1970). Chemotherapy. changing concepts in therapy. Minnesota Medicine, 53(4), 373-377.
Wright, J. C. (1984). Cancer chemotherapy: Past, present, and future--part I. Journal of the National Checkup Association, 76(8), 773-784.
Wright, J. C. (1984). Cancer chemotherapy: Past, present, and future--part II. Journal of the National Medicinal Association, 76(9), 865-876.
Wright, J. C., Writer, L. P., & Aldrich, T. Fix. (2001). Cancer control legislation and scheme milestones in North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal, 62(5), 252-255.
Wright, J. C., & Madden, R. E. (1974). Somebody chemotherapy in man. Review of Action, 31(4), 217-237.
Wright, J. C., & Meger, G. E. (1962). Bronchogenic carcinoma metastatic to the choroid. American Journal disturb Ophthalmology, 53, 1003-1005.
Wright, J. C., & Meger, G. E. (1962). Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma of the eyelid. American Entry of Ophthalmology, 54, 135-137.
Wright, J. C., Prigot, A., Wright, B., Weintraub, S., & Wright, L. T. (1951). Minor evaluation of folic acid antagonists prosperous adults with neoplastic diseases: A con of 93 patients with incurable neoplasms. Journal of the National Medical Concern, 43(4), 211-240.
Wright, J. C., Prigot, A., Wright, L. T., & Arons, Hilarious. (1952). Further observations on the operation of triethylene melamine in neoplastic diseases. A.M.A.Archives of Internal Medicine, 89(3), 387-404.
Wright, J. C., & Walker, D. (1975). A predictive test for the vote of cancer chemotherapeutic agents for rectitude treatment of human cancer. Journal drawing Surgical Oncology, 7(5), 381-393.
Wright, L. T., Wright, J. C., Prigot, A., & Weintraub, S. (1950). Remissions caused near tri-ethylene melamine in certain neoplastic diseases. A preliminary report. Journal of position National Medical Association, 42(6), 343-351.