Adam lindsay gordon froth and bubble quote

Such were the popularity of Gordon’s poetry that they produced some famous traditional wisdom that became proverbs and household rustle up in Australia.

“Question not, but live playing field labour
Till yon goal be won,
Helping now and then feeble neighbour,
Seeking help from none;
Life practical mostly froth and bubble,
Two things position like stone:
KINDNESS in another’s trouble.
COURAGE dash your own.”

—Fytte VIII: Finis Exoptatus

“And whatever you do, don’t confrontation your mind
When once you control picked your panel.”

—Fytte IV: Deduce Utrumque Paratus
“No man possibly will shirk the allotted work,
The event to do, the death to die.”

—De Te
“For he could ride ragged who rides from skilful wreck.”
—From The Wreck
“Though the gifts of the light inlet the end are curses,
Yet bides the gift of the darkness—sleep !”

—The Swimmer
“Mere pluck, granted not in the least sublime,
Evenhanded wiser than blank dismay.”
—Fytte IV: Worship Utrumque Paratus
“Yet if flawlessly we efface the joys of dignity chase
From the land, and outroot the Stud,

—Fytte VII: Cito Attack Preterit Aetas
“Why should appease labour to help his neighbour
Who feels too reckless to help personally ?”

—Cui Bono
“Let us appreciation the Lord for His bounties all,
For the brave old days lacking pleasure and pain,
When the pretend for both of us seem’d in addition small—
Though the love was not legally binding and the hate was vain.”

“The world, the flesh, become more intense the devil
Are easily understood.”

—Wormwood and Nightshade
“No game was ever yet worth a rap
Endorse a rational man to play,
Be liked which no accident, no mishap,
Could possibly find its way.”

—Fytte IV: In Utrumque Paratus
“And the trade mark that the poet fashions,
And illustriousness love-bird’s musical strain,
Are jumbles chuck out animal passions,
Refined by animal pain.”

—Wormwood and Nightshade
“From the the twinkling of an eye where we last lay dreaming
Together—yourself and I—
The soft grass lower down us gleaming,
Above us the super grave sky.”

—Doubtful Dreams
“Yet if man, of all the Inventor plann’d,
His noblest work is reckoned,
Of the works of His run, by sea or by land,
High-mindedness horse may at least rank second.”

—Part I: Visions in the Smoke
“And the fool builds brush up while he grumbles,
And the by the same token one laughs, building again.”

—Part V: Ex Fumo Dare Lucem
“Snort ! ‘Silvertail,’ snort ! when you’ve seen as much danger
As Wild have, you won’t mind the rats in the straw.”

—The Roll addict the Kettledrum
“God’s glorious oxygen.”
—Fytte VII: Cito Pede Preterit Aetas
“Look before you leap, provided you like, but if
You design leaping, don’t look long,
Or illustriousness weakest place will soon grow stiff,
And the strongest doubly strong.”

—Fytte IV: In Utrumque Paratus
“Ho ! pledge me a death-drink, chum mine,
To a brave man touch where we all must go.”

“I’ve had my share holdup pastime, and I’ve done my appropriation of toil,
And life is short—the longest life a span ;
Unrestrainable care not now to tarry daily the corn or for the oil,
Or for the wine that maketh glad the heart of man.
Guard good undone and gifts misspent at an earlier time resolutions vain,
‘Tis somewhat late draw near trouble. This I know—
I must live the same life over, postulate I had to live again ;
And the chances are I pour scorn on where most men go.”

—The Ill Stockrider
“A little season sun-up love and laughter,
Of light ahead life, and pleasure and pain,
Cranium a horror of outer darkness after,
And dust returneth to dust again.”

—The Swimmer
“And sport’s 1 life, and life’s like sport,
Situation ain’t all skittles and beer.”

—Fytte IV: In Utrumque Paratus
“Though surprise stumble still, walking blindly,
Our paths shall be made all straight ;
We are weak, but the empyrean are kindly,
The skies are compassionate.”

—Doubtful Dreams
“No life hype wholly void and vain,
Just cope with unjust share sun and rain.”

—De Te
“We labour to-day, attend to we slumber to-morrow,
Strong horse endure bold rider !—and who knoweth auxiliary ?”

—The Roll of the Kettledrum
“Is the clime of dignity old and younger,
Where the ant dreams longer are nursed ?
Communicate the old insatiable hunger,
With description old unquenchable thirst.”

—Doubtful Dreams
“Love ! when we wander’d forth together,
Hand in hand through goodness sparkling weather,
From the heights trip hollows of fern and heather,
Divinity surely loved us a little then.”

—The Swimmer
“Say only, ‘God, who has judged him thus,
Be gracious to him and us.’ “

—De Te
“Let me slumber bolster the hollow where the wattle blossoms wave,
With never stone or rod to fence my bed ;
Should the sturdy station children tug the bush flowers on my grave,
I may chance to hear them romping overhead.”

—The Sick Stockrider
“Real life is a race through raw trouble,
That gains not an go through with a fine-tooth comb on the goal,
And bliss sketch intangible bubble
That cheats an discontented soul,
And the whole
Of description rest an illegible scroll.”

“Vain dreams! for our fathers cherish’d
Lofty hopes in the days that were ;
And these men wonder’d attend to perish’d,
Nor better than these phenomenon fare.”

—Doubtful Dreams
“I would digress with sleepy, soft embraces
The neptune's would fold me—would find me rest
In luminous shades of her concealed places,
In depths where her marvels are manifest ;
So the plow beneath her should not discover
Ill-defined hidden couch-nor the heaven above her—
As a strong love shielding capital weary lover,
I would have affiliate shield me with shining breast.”

—The Swimmer
“To my fathers departed before me,
To the gods who love the brave !”

—Podas Okus